Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chromatin Architecture and Gorillas...

...probably have little to do with each other as it pertains to our lab's interest.  But, since its been a while since we've had a lab paper/post, I figured that we could indulge in a few articles from today's Nature journal.

The first paper sparked my interest because, 1 -i've been thinking alot more about chromatin dynamics and epigenetics, and 2- I saw this review.  Seems like a good place to start back up...

The second paper is just a fun read.  Its basically the second half of the talk gave by Dr. Hahn last week. Although, I think everyone came because of the first half of her talk on HIV origins. Enjoy.


  1. The DNA looping model is nothing new, but this is the first showing it in mammalian cells. Most interestingly, a cell-type specific regulation by mediator and cohesin complexes was revealed.Although components of mediator complex expressed at lower levels in MEF comparing to ES cells, this obviously cannot fully account for the huge difference in the promoter sites occupied by the complexes.This suggests involvement of cell-type specific factors along with those complexes.

  2. Thanks Marcus, great paper. actually, one of the mediator complex subunits - Med19 is one of the hits in my screen. If you are interested, there is this paper from Myles Brown Lab from 2005 that studied the regulation of PSA that involve looping and tracking.
